NMGCS Convention 2014
600 Town Center Drive

Mark Your Calendars for the 2014 NMGCS Convention
The 2014 convention will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 25-27, 2014 at the Adoba Hotel located in Dearborn, Michigan. Please complete and return the REGISTRATION FORM. A tentative convention agenda can be found HERE. You can order this years’ club commemorative which is a Green Slag Turtle on a Split-Ribbed Base HERE.
Membership in the NMGCS is required to attend the convention. Pre-registration is required!!! New members may join at the convention. Please complete the online membership application form on this web site to join the National Milk Glass Collectors’ Society and register for the convention. You can also find in the March 2014 issue of the Opaque News the convention registration and auction consignment forms which can be completed and sent with a check to Helen Engel, 32 Brown Drive, Oswego, New York 13126. You may also click the links on this page to download both the registration form and this years’ club commemorative and past commemoratives.
Post-auction price list is $5.00 each.
The auction for the 2014 convention has been finalized. Please click here for the auction list and also click here for photographsof several of the items that are in the auction.
The annual auction again will feature some nice items for sale. A sample of the listing was shown in the latest newsletter. Many thanks to Bob Culver for coordinating the auction.